The Whanganui Mountain Bike Club organizes rides on occasional Sundays. The rides vary somewhat in experience and fitness level, but are generally suitable for fit beginners. The club members share transport and help each other out in case of mechanical failure or other mishaps. On club rides there is always a senior member who knows the route so there is little risk of getting lost or stranded, unless we intend to… 😉

The leisurely scenic ride on the sandy tracks and forest roads in and around Harakeke forest are often the club’s go-to destination if nothing more adventurous has been planned. The ride starts at the Lake Wiritoa domain car park, is about 25km and takes 2.5 – 3 hrs with lots of stops. Canine mates welcome on certain rides, but only if super fit please. Generally the distance is too far for the average dog.

The rides will be advertised a few days in advance via email to all the club’s members. as well as Facebook and Instagram. If you are not a member yet and want to know more about our rides call Frank on 021-944560 or email

Anyone wishing to do a particular ride can contact the club for support to assist in facilitating it.