The tracks in Harakeke Forest are riding well after all the recent rain. A mix of forest roads and single tracks. Join Grant in exploring this fun area. Meet at Lake Wiritoa Reserve this Sunday 7 July at 9.30am. 2 - 2.5hrs.
Scott’s Ferry – Turn left onto High St in Bulls. Continue straight ahead onto Parawenui Rd to, and then through, Scott’s Ferry. The trails and event village are 1 km past Scott’s Ferry. –
Agenda: Welcome and brief discussion Motion A: That the club agrees to re-register - Moved Frank Rawlinson Seconded Ken Pawson Motion B: That the club approve the draft changes to its constitution as attached - Moved Frank Rawlinson Seconded Ken Pawson Thank you from the chair Meeting end
Sunday ride - Lismore Forest - 10am A morning ride sticking to the main roads in Lismore, starting and ending on SH4, with a short section of tarseal road back to the vehicles. Meet - Corner SH4 and Old Parapara Rd (past the white bridge) on Sunday 28 July at 10am. Big hills, moderately steep […]
The tracks in Harakeke Forest are riding well after all the recent rain. A mix of forest roads and single tracks. Join us in exploring this fun area. Meet at Lake Wiritoa Reserve this Sunday 4th August at 9.30am. About 2.5hrs.